What is the service life of an automotive electronic fan?

vika DPA
2 min readAug 21, 2023


Typically, an automotive electronic fan can be used for about 200,000 to 300,000 kilometers, and the specific service life depends on different factors, including the following:

1. Manufacturing quality: Higher-quality electronic fans generally have a longer lifespan. Superior motors, control circuits, and fan blades lead to better resistance to wear and aging.

2. Usage environment: Harsh usage environments, such as high temperature, high humidity, and exposure to dust or chemicals, may accelerate the aging and damage of electronic fans.

3. Maintenance and servicing: Regular maintenance can extend the service life of electronic fans. The maintenance measures includes cleaning fan blades, replacing electronic components regularly, and ensuring good electrical connections.

4. Frequency of use and load: Frequent use and extended exposure to heavy loads, such as prolonged operation in hot environment, may reduce the service life of electronic fans.

Please note that the above-mentioned service life is only an estimate for general cases. The actual service life may vary with vehicle usage and maintenance status. If you find the electronic fan in your car has failed or experienced performance degradation, inspection and repair by professional car service personnel is recommended.

vika 6Q0959455AD electronic fans

Approaches to extending service life of vika electronic fans:

1. The unique high-quality graphite carbon brush technology provides fundamental guarantee for the long lifespan of vika electronic fan motors, and sets a new quality standard for fan motors.

2. Intelligent electronic module. The vika fan motor is based on a world’s leading OE electronic control module technology. The upgraded intelligent electronic module enables the motor to start smoothly, and ensures precise rotation of the motor in various working conditions, thereby improving operation efficiency and reducing engine power loss.

