What are symptoms of a failed valve chamber cover?

vika DPA
2 min readSep 4, 2024


Common symptoms of a failed valve chamber cover include the following:

Oil leakage: Poor sealing of the valve chamber cover may result in oil leakage, and oil can usually be found on the top or side of the engine.

Abnormal sound: If a component of the valve chamber cover is worn or damaged, abnormal sound may be generated, especially during engine operation.

Engine overheating: A failure of the valve chamber cover may cause poor oil circulation, which will lead to engine overheating.

Weaker power: Valve chamber cover issues may interfere with normal operation of the valve, leading to weaker engine power or poor acceleration.

Abnormal emission: If the valve chamber cover is not well sealed, it may cause exhaust gas leakage and impact normal operation of the emission system.

Higher oil consumption: A failure of the valve chamber cover may lead to higher oil consumption, requiring frequent replenishment of oil.

Engine jitter: Valve chamber cover issues may result in abnormal valve opening and closing and consequently lead to engine jitter.

vika valve chamber cover

Advantages of vika valve chamber cover:

In order to address common problems of valve chamber covers such as sealing leakage and membrane aging, the product and R&D engineers of vika have conducted detailed analysis during development and design, and demonstrated their solutions to such practical problems repeatedly. Changes have been made to welding process, seal size, and material design, leading to significant material and process optimization for swing blade shaft control valve, and achieving high strength and excellent sealing performance of the vika valve chamber cover.

1. The vika valve chamber cover is produced with imported BASF PA66-GF30 material by means of injection molding, leading to better resistance to high temperature, good chemical and thermal aging stability, higher resistance to load intensity, and more durable performance;

2. Oil seals and seal strips are made of ACM material from Dupont, a world famous brand. As a result, the cover has special features such as high resistance to high temperature, oil, ozone, and ultraviolet radiation, effectively extending the life cycle of the product;

3. The upper oil/gas separator diaphragm is made of fluorinated silicone rubber, a top quality material used in the industry. This material is rich in fluorine groups that are resistant to hydrogen solvents, leading to better oil resistance, acid and alkaline resistance, and lower surface energy;

4. The cover is produced in a welding process with EMERSON welder imported from USA. With a size tolerance down to 0.02MM, it features good dimensional stability, ensuring both accurate operation and elegant appearance.

